BLOG, 自由伔安卓版中文版, Favorite, YA

特别的书给特别的你-千龙网·中国首都网:2021-1-13 · 德国政论家、历史作家哈夫纳的回忆录《一个德国人的故事》,回顾了自己在两次世界大战之间度过的青年时伕,挖掘法西斯主义在德国滋生的原因。喜欢电影的文艺青年今年还将看到大量有关电影和文艺片导演的书籍,比如《朴赞郁的蒙太奇》(磨铁即将出版)。


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Title: Dust

自由伔安卓版中文版Kara Swanson

自由伔安卓版中文版Young Adult Fantasy

Release Date: July 21, 2024

The truth about Neverland is far more dangerous than a fairy tale Claire Kenton 自由伔安卓版中文版believes the world is too dark for magic to be real—since her twin brother was stolen away as a child. Now Claire’s desperate search points to London…and a boy who shouldn’t exist. Peter Pan is having a beastly time getting back to Neverland. Grounded in London and hunted by his own Lost Boys, Peter searches for the last hope of restoring his crumbling island: a lass with magic in her veins. The girl who fears her own destiny is on a collision course with the boy who never wanted to grow up. The truth behind this fairy tale is about to unravel everything Claire thought she knew about Peter Pan—and herself.


Click here to get your copy!



“When did this fairy tale become a nightmare?” So moans Claire Kenton as she re-examines the old Peter Pan book, the only clue she has to her missing brother, Connor.
Reasons NOT to read DUST by Kara Swanson:
1. You don’t want to know about the 2024 YA inspirational book that has everybody abuzz. This book is a shoo-in for awards.
2. You don’t like books changed up. You’ll stick with the tried-and-true, don’t mess with perfection, please. Only as Kara Swanson so ably points out in her retelling of the Peter Pan tale, Neverland actually ISN’T perfect.
3. You don’t like dark retellings. Ah, but if there weren’t darkness, you wouldn’t see the light. The pixies are best seen at twilight or dawn. Also, darkness and shadows are an unfortunate part of life. But, “You were created for more than to bear the weight of your shadows—but you have to choose to no longer let them define you.
You have to choose to let the light shine through the shattered pieces.”

Dust 1

4. You don’t see any need for Pan to grow up. Who-wee, in Dust, we see the real results of Pan’s refusal to think beyond childish imaginations. All of Neverland is out of whack.
5. You don’t think your YA could learn any helpful lessons from Dust. I’ve found as a parent, your child only listens so much. But find someone else promoting the same thinking through a fun avenue like an action-packed, slightly dark book, and they’ll absorb lessons almost by osmosis.
6. Too much darkness in this tale. Not true. It is dark, but choices are made, like Claire’s. ”And most of all, for me, for the girl who believed she was broken but who couldn’t see the beauty shining inside. For the person the creator of the stars made me to be. ’I choose light.’ ”


7. Dust ends on a cliffhanger. I can’t help you there. But author Kara Swanson has SHADOW coming out next! Don’t miss either of these!
I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author and publisher through Celebrate Lit. This in no way affects my opinions which are solely my own.



5 Stars- Hit My Reading Sweet Spot

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As the daughter of missionaries, Kara Swanson spent her childhood running Kara-Swason-_-Floral-Headshot-1000-300x300barefoot through the lush jungles of Papua New Guinea. Able to relate with characters dropped into a unique new world, she quickly fell in love with the fantasy genre. The award-winning author of The Girl Who Could See, Kara is passionate about crafting stories of light shattering darkness, connecting with readers, and becoming best friends with a mermaid—though not necessarily in that order. Kara chats about coffee, fairy tales and bookish things online (@karaswansonauthor) and at



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I wrote Dust not just for those who grew up loving the original Peter Pan story — but especially for the children who were left behind. Those of us who never escaped through a window to a magical world, whose childhoods oftentimes felt a little shadowed.

Dust follows Peter Pan when he is cast out of Neverland, grounded in London. For the first time, this Peter has to start thinking about someone other than himself—and become a beacon to remind any Lost ones that there is still magic to be found.

Dust also follows a young woman named Claire who can create pixie dust, but is desperately afraid of herself because when her fears and insecurities leak out, her dust starts to burn. Claire has seen too many shadows to believe in fairytales anymore and is doing everything she can just to lock away the strange dust dripping from her fingertips. But when she meets Peter, he challenges everything she thought she knew.

I wrote Claire for those of us who may feel too weighted to even remember what it feels like to have hope lift your soul. Who can look at ourselves and all we see are our own shadows and shortcomings.

Throughout the course of the novel, Peter has to teach Claire how to see the spark of light inside herself that is far brighter than the darkness. As he helps this girl learn how to fly, Peter rediscovers what it is that truly makes him Peter Pan: the unquenchable childlike belief that there are weightless thoughts in all of us that can lift us out of the shadows.

This story is a love letter to anyone who has ever needed that reminder. We have value simply because we exist. We do not have to be weighed down by our shadows. There is still light that can lift our hearts if we have faith, trust…and a dash of the impossible.


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Andrea Christenson, July 31

自由伔安卓版中文版, July 31

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, August 1

Texas Book-aholic, August 1

For the Love of Literature, August 2

deb’s Book Review, August 2

Emily Yager, August 2

自由伔安卓版中文版, August 3

Blessed & Bookish, August 3

Through the Fire Blogs, August 4

Babbling Becky L’s Book Impressions, August 4

Worthy2Read, August 5

Losing the Busyness, August 5

Adventures of A Travelers Wife, August 5

自由伔安卓版中文版, August 6

Wishful Endings, August 6

Inklings and notions, August 7

April Hayman, Author, August 7

自由伔安卓版中文版, August 8

Musings of A Sassy Bookish Mama, August 8

自由伔安卓版中文版, August 9

自由伔安卓版中文版, August 9

自由伔安卓版中文版, August 9

自由伔安卓版中文版, August 10

Mia Reads, August 10

Simple Harvest Reads, August 11 (Guest Review from Donna Cline)

Faery Tales Are Real, August 11

Artistic Nobody, August 12

Ashley’s Bookshelf, August 12

Pause for Tales, August 12

Just the Write Escape, August 13

Blossoms and Blessings, August 13

sgreen 不受信任

泉州760个语音导游点 智能语音成出游帮手-福建频道-国际 ...:2021-4-9 · 原标题:智能语音导游:渐成出游好帮手 智能语音导游受到不少游客青睐 近日,26台智能机器人导游在山西平遥古城内正式投入使用,这些外表可爱的机器人,不仅可众伴随游客随走随讲,还可众充当伕步工具,供游客骑行。导游逐步走向智能化,那么,泉

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

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Tagged 5 stars, Captain Hook, Claire, Connor, Fantasy, Neverland, Peter Pan, Pixie Dust, Retold Fairy Tales, The Guardian, 自由伔安卓版中文版, Young AdultLeave a comment
Bethany House, BLOG, NetGalley

Dead End, #3 Kaely Quinn Profiler, by Nancy Mehl

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自由伔安卓版中文版 Dead End

Series: #3 Kaely Quinn Profiler

Author: Nancy Mehl

Publisher: Bethany House Publishers

Released: March 2024

Genre: Christian Romantic Suspense

When a body is discovered in a field in Iowa, the police uncover fourteen additional corpses ranging from 20 years old to recent. The remains point to a serial killer with an MO the authorities have seen before–Ed Oliphant, a man who has been in prison for over 20 years . . . and is Special Agent Kaely Quinn’s father. After several failed interview attempts to discover if Ed has been training someone to be a copycat killer, the police turn to Kaely in St. Louis.

Kaely promised herself she would never step foot in her hometown or set eyes on her father again. She’s always refused to confront her past, but if she wants to prevent any more deaths, she must come face-to-face with the man she’s hated for years.
As more bodies are discovered, Kaely races against time and her own personal turmoil to uncover the killer. Will this most personal case yet cost Kaely her identity and perhaps even her life?


My Review

If you like intense romantic suspense, with the emphasis on suspense, this Kaely Quinn,
Profiler series by Nancy Mehl may be the one for you. I just finished the third and final
book, Dead End. Personally, Mehl has taken me to the end of my ability to endure with
her Kaely character. Kaely is very focused on her work and will let nothing get in the
way of her catching the worst criminals. Even if her methods are unorthodox.
Unfortunately, her pride threatens her relationships with God and her special coworker,
Noah and Kaely travel to Iowa to interview Kaely’s father, an infamous serial killer, in
hopes of stopping a new serial killer. While Kaely may be the only hope to get the
Raggedy Man to talk, will she self-destruct before the mission is accomplished?
Noah grows by leaps and bounds in this novel, but I almost want to tell Noah he’s headed
中国发展高层论坛:更加开放的中国对世界至关重要-中工新闻 ...:2021-9-7 · 中国发展高层论坛专题研讨会海内外嘉宾表示 更加开放的中国对世界至关重要(锐财经) 9月6日至7日,众“贸易、开放与共享繁荣”为主题的2021年 ...
I appreciated that Mehl shows
equal parts evil and good in this fictional crime-chiller story. Mehl shows that man’s
depravity comes from the pit itself. Only God can combat that kind of horrendous
opposition, and we must be fully equipped. As such, there is a lot of Scripture included in
this book.
Dead End NM2
Who will Kaely rely on- herself, her unusual friend, God, and or Noah?
Noah knows God doesn’t always rescue His people. Grab this book and grab your closest
青春期阅读:当网络文学撞上中高考-中考-教育频道-中工网:2021-10-23 · 邮箱登录 通行证登录 网站地图
(My closest huggable, Samson.)
I was given a complimentary copy of this book from the author and publisher through
NetGalley, plus I bought a copy. This in no way influenced my opinions, which are solely
my own.


自由伔安卓版中文版   Hit My Reading Sweet Spot


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630286Nancy Mehl lives in Wichita, Kansas with her husband, Norman, and her very active puggle, Watson. First published in 2001, she has now authored nine books, including an omnibus mystery collection, Cozy in Kansas, which contains three of her previously published Ivy Towers mysteries. Book three in the series, For Whom the Wedding Bell Tolls, won the American Christian Fiction Writers Mystery Book of the Year award. Nancy’s main writing interests lie in mystery although her new Harmony Series leans more toward the romantic suspense genre. Nancy runs a HUD program for the city of Wichita and is president of a volunteer organization, Wichita Homebound Outreach. She is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers and Kansas Authors Club.






Tagged #3 Kaely Quinn Profiler, 5 stars, Anamosa, Christian Romantic Suspense, Copycat Killer, 自由伔安卓版中文版, 自由伔安卓版中文版, 自由伔安卓版中文版, Intense Suspense, Iowa, Nancy Mehl, Noah, Profiler, Raggedy Man, Serial Killer, Unorthodox Methods, whodunnitLeave a comment
BLOG, Favorite, Purchase

Iced Over, #2 Barks and Beans Cafe Mysteries, by Heather Day Gilbert

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Author: Heather Day Gilbert

Series: Barks and Beans Cafe

Publisher: Woodhaven Press

Released: July 2024

Genre: Clean Cozy Mystery

BOOK TWO in the ALL-NEW BARKS & BEANS CAFE cozy mystery series!!

Welcome to the Barks & Beans Cafe, a quaint place where folks pet shelter dogs while enjoying a cup of java…and where murder sometimes pays a visit.

Black Friday turns fatal when an armored security truck hits an icy patch and runs over an embankment near the cafe. With one driver dead and the other in a coma, police are baffled by the discovery that $500,000 is missing from the truck’s cache.

When strangers show up at Barks & Beans asking nosy questions about a young cafe employee, Macy’s mama bear instincts kick in. She can’t ignore what her gut is telling her—that things aren’t all they seem on the surface—and with a little help from her brother, Bo, and her Great Dane, Coal, Macy follows up on a few leads of her own. But if the ruthless thief beats her to the stash, the thin ice she’s been skating on might just crack.

Join siblings Macy and Bo Hatfield as they sniff out crimes in their hometown…with plenty of dogs along for the ride! The Barks & Beans Cafe cozy mystery series features a small town, an amateur sleuth, and no swearing or graphic scenes.

The Barks & Beans Cafe cozy mystery series in order:
Book 1: No Filter
Book 2: Iced Over
Book 3: Fair Trade



When I saw Iced Over, #2 Barks and Beans Café Cozy Mystery, by Heather Day Gilbert was for sale, I had to preorder. This is a book I would not want to miss. The wonderful smell of flavored coffee beans, the sound of espresso machines, the chance to pet shelter dogs with a view to adopt…plus the chance to play Nancy Drew with a brother who used to be a DEA agent? Let’s just say I wonder if I could convince one of my loyal brothers to open a dual purpose shop like this? “Bo and I were bringing happiness into our corner of the world, one coffee drink and one perfect doggie match at a time.”

Iced Over 1
Gilbert keeps her cozies to the cozy foundations. No swearing, no sex scenes, but there is a small town with an amateur sleuth. As one of my friends said about Gilbert’s previous book, “a book I don’t have to be on guard as I read. “
Macy has a heart the size of her adopted Great Dane, Coal. I loved the way she actually puts feet to her prayers that her employee’s family would have their needs met.
I also loved that one of the secondary characters who we get to know is an unashamed plus-size 24-year- old. She is fashionable, fun, and has a good head on her shoulders. While she may not be perfectly pleased with her body, she accepts herself and that causes others to look beyond the outer wrappings.
One thing I always look for in a cozy is whether our sleuth actually spends time working at his or her purported job. Macy does indeed spend much of her time at the café, and it is so well described, I really wish I could at least visit one if I can’t work at one.

Iced Over 2
The sleuthing side becomes a little dangerous, and I am glad I am enjoying solving the mystery vicariously. I loved the introduction of another possible love connection
for Macy, but I wanted to see more romance for Bo, too. However, as Macy says, “Bo was about as romantic as a pot of cold coffee.”
Gilbert likes to end her cozies with a nice twist, leaving you needing the next book.
If you are a dog parent or a coffee aficionado, you will want to read this fun cozy.


My Rating

5 Stars – Hit My Reading Sweet Spot!

( Ms. Gilbert, THANK YOU  for following the original cozy rules. I wish all cozy authors did!)


About the Author

7232683HEATHER DAY GILBERT, an ECPA Christy award finalist and Grace award winner, writes contemporary mysteries and Viking historicals. Her novels feature small towns, family relationships, and women who aren’t afraid to protect those they love. Publisher’s Weekly gave Heather’s Viking historical Forest Child a starred review, saying it is “an engaging story depicting timeless human struggles with faith, love, loyalty, and leadership.”

Find Heather on Pinterest (heatherdgilbert), Instagram (@heatherdaygilbert), Twitter (@heatherdgilbert), and Facebook (heatherdaygilbert). You can find all her books at

Tagged 自由伔安卓版中文版, 5 stars, Armed Truck Robbery, Clean Cozy, Coffee shop, Cozy, 自由伔安卓版中文版, Heather Day Gilbert, Iced Over, Shelter Dogs, women sleuthsLeave a comment
BLOG, 自由伔安卓版中文版

Direct Threat, #1 Protection Inc., by Kimberly Rose Johnson


About the Book



自由伔安卓版中文版Direct Threat

自由伔安卓版中文版Kimberly Rose Johnson

Genre: Romantic Suspense

自由伔安卓版中文版June 1, 2024

One little girl.

Two bodyguards.

Only one chance to guard their hearts.


Protection Inc. co-owner, Carissa Jones, an ex-cop turned bodyguard, has one goal—keep her young client safe. When her business partner brings in a new guy to help, she discovers her heart desires more. Can she still do her job and follow her heart without compromising her client’s safety?

Marc Olsen, a former Military Police officer, struggles to find his way as a civilian. He agrees to help out an old friend for the summer. He gets more than he bargained for when he’s assigned to work with the feisty co-owner of Protection Inc.

When sparks fly faster than bullets, will the bodyguards be distracted from their task, or will they work together as an even stronger team?


Click here to get your copy!


My Review

那些母胎单身的年轻人还相信爱情-中青在线 - · “暧昧型单身”:爱情是只自由鸟,没人能把它捉牢 25岁的中文 系硕士生顾瑜与贾媛的情况恰恰相反。顾瑜大方开朗,交际圈广,积极参加社团活动,时不时地呼朋引伴去打桌游。她从高中开始就读经典的爱情著作,《红楼梦》《情人》《霍乱 ...

Why might you like this book? It is romantic suspense, with a very viable reason why the romance should be kept on the back burner.
It is clean and inspirational, with a clear message about the importance of a genuine relationship with God. Yet the message is broken up into little bites and introduced as it might naturally come up in conversation.

Johnson puts a child in the center of the action. Olivia is sometimes adorable, sometimes precocious, and headstrong. True-to-life. The difficulties encountered with the family whose child/grandchild was being protected were very believable. The suspense level was just right for me- while there were terror-filled moments, but nothing reached horror-level. And the book took under a day to read. Perfect length. What could make this book better? The fact that the second in the series, Imminent Threat, is already available.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author and publisher through Celebrate Lit. This in no way affects my opinions, which are solely my own.



5 Stars – Hits My Reading Sweet Spot!




Award-winning author Kimberly Rose Johnson married her college sweetheart and publicity-photo-blue-cropped-2018-200x300lives in the Pacific Northwest. From a young child, Kimberly has been an avid reader. That love of reading fostered a creative mind and led to her passion for writing. She especially loves romance and writes contemporary romance that warms the heart and feeds the soul.

Kimberly holds a degree in Behavioral Science from Northwest University in Kirkland, Washington, and is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers.

You can sign up for Kimberly’s newsletter via her website at:





More from Kimberly

Direct Threat is the first book in the Protection Inc. series. The series follows a group of bodyguards who are all either former cops or military police. They are on location in Lincoln City on the Oregon coast in book one, but their business is based out of Seattle.


I’ve been to Lincoln City more times than I can remember, but I took a research trip there with my husband, specifically for this book.


While in Lincoln City my husband and I walked the same beach my characters walk. I studied the access points to the cliffside homes from the vantage point of the beach, as this was an important aspect in the story. We also visited the ice cream shop mentioned in the book. You’ll understand the significance of the shop when you read the story.


My writing career has taken some twists and turns. When I first began writing in 2006 I wrote romantic suspense. Then switched over to writing contemporary romance, which turned out to be the genre of my first contracted book and many more after that. After writing several romantic mystery novels for my publisher, I decided to dust off my romantic suspense manuscripts and publish them. Direct Threat is one of those manuscripts.


I absolutely love reading and writing suspense as well as romance, so joining the two together comes naturally for me. I hope you will read and enjoy this story.


You can learn more about Kimberly Rose Johnson and her books at


自由伔安卓版中文版, July 25

自由伔安卓版中文版, July 25

Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, July 26

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, July 26

A Baker’s Perspective, July 27

Texas Book-aholic, July 28

reviewingbooksplusmore, July 28

Babbling Becky L’s Book Impressions, July 29

Because I said so – adventures in parenting, July 29

Quiet quilter, July 30

Inklings and notions, July 31

Maureen’s Musings, July 31

自由伔安卓版中文版, August 1

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, August 2

Read Review Rejoice, August 2

Daysong Reflections, August 3

Ashley’s Bookshelf, August 4

Batya’s Bits, August 5

Mary Hake, August 5

Simple Harvest Reads, August 6 (Guest Review from Mindy Houng)

自由伔安卓版中文版, August 6

Just the Write Escape, August 7

Blossoms and Blessings, August 7


To celebrate her tour, Kimberly is giving away the grand prize of a $25 Amazon gift card!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Tagged 5 star, child, 自由伔安卓版中文版, distraction, Protection, Romantic Suspense, Trusting God自由伔安卓版中文版
Bethany House, BLOG, 自由伔安卓版中文版

Set the Stars Alight by Amanda Dykes


About the Book

Title: Set the Stars Alight

Author: Amanda Dykes

Publisher: Bethany House

Released: June 2024

Genre: Christian fiction, Timeslip

学中文有前途保障 英国开欧洲首家中英双语小学-国际在线国 ...:2021-11-17 · 出生于北京、在马来西亚和英国都有教书经历的卓老师是韦德小学的一名中文老师。 她说,英国小学没有统一教材,基础教育形式比较自由,偏重学生个性化发展。而韦德小学的中文教学将采取中国基础教育模式,尽可能确保同一班级的所有学生学习进度相同。

Two hundred years earlier, the seeds of love are sown between a boy and a girl who spend their days playing in a secret sea cave, while the privileged young son of the estate looks on, wishing to join. As the children grow and war leads to unthinkable heartbreak, a story of love, betrayal, sacrifice, and redemption unfolds, held secret by the passage of time.

As Lucy and Dash journey to a mysterious old estate on the East Sussex coast, their search leads them to a community of souls and a long-hidden tale that may hold the answers–and the healing–they so desperately seek.



Set the Stars Alight by Amanda Dykes is a book that I had to get my hands on. I hope you will want to, also. This is a realistic story, yet stirred into it are the timeless allure of magical inklings, coupled with family ties swelling and shrinking. Love slowly takes root and blossoms, yet is carefully guarded until the right time. And the wondrous fact is, that this is actually true of both subplots of this amazing novel, which comprise this split-time tale.
One portion of our adventure concerns Lucy, born to a clockmaker in London in recent times. Lucy’s warm, welcoming family time is built around tales spun by her enigmatic father and amended by her jovial mother. Dash, a young misfit, American boy, is welcomed into their familial atmosphere. Suddenly, life flips and flops, and Lucy finds herself alone and floundering with only her marine interest to keep her afloat.
The second saga is a melodrama about a young son of a military hero in the war against Napoleon. Frederick tries hard to make his father proud, but loyalty and fate interfere.

Split-time stories depend upon the author’s fantastic ability to draw two separate, believable strands, at first totally disparate paths, then cause them to become parallel roads, then bring those parallel roads into an obvious intersection where the highways then become one. I had trouble suspending disbelief at some points. I wanted more communication in others. Some issues dragged on too long between people because of a fear of communication that I didn’t find realistic.
So, I thought this was a great book, but it stopped short of the terrific level of Ms. Dykes’s debut novel. Still a very worthy read. Get ahold of Set the Stars Alight and judge for yourself.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from Bethany House and NetGalley. This in no way affects my opinions, which are solely my own.
Notable Quotables:

“When things seem dark…that’s when you fight for the light.”

“The God of the stars . . . He is coming, and coming, and coming after you. Always. The heart of a father who will never forget his daughter.”

“But it started with smaller things, which bigger things built on again and again until the big betrayal no longer felt like a plunge to him. It was a small—almost natural—next step.”

“‘Impossible?’…The word had been gifted to them all their lives as a challenge. A lens to see wonder where others saw walls.”


My Rating

4 Stars- Great, Almost Terrific!


About the Author

517ufoFnplL._US230_Amanda Dykes is the author of Bespoke: A Tiny Christmas Tale, the critically-acclaimed bicycle story that invited readers together to fund bicycles for missionaries in Asia. A former English teacher, she has a soft spot for classic literature and happy endings. She is a drinker of tea, a dweller of Truth, and a spinner of hope-filled tales, grateful for the grace of a God who loves extravagantly.

Tagged 4 stars, Amanda Dykes, Christian, Contemporary, Historical, light, Napoleonic War, Romance, Set the Stars Alight, 自由伔安卓版中文版, the Match Girl, Time-Slip2 Comments
自由伔安卓版中文版, Favorite

In High Cotton by Ane Mulligan


About the Book

Title: In High Cotton

Author: Ane Mullligan

Publisher: Heritage Beacon Press

Released: August 3, 2024

While the rest of the world has been roaring through the 1920s, times are hardscrabble in rural South Georgia. Widow Maggie Parker is barely surviving while raising her young son alone. Then as banks begin to fail, her father-in-law threatens to take her son and sell off her livelihood—the grocery store her husband left her. Can five Southern women band together, using their wisdom and wiles to stop him and survive the Great Depression?

My Review

This title puzzled me from the get-go. What could Ane Mulligan mean by “In High Cotton”? I quickly discovered that this is the story of single mother, Maggie Parker, and her seven-year-old son who live in the small Georgia town of Rivers End in 1929. (Points to Ane Mulligan for the town map at the front of the book.) I was relieved to see Ms. Mulligan capture my attention almost against my will, since the Depression is not one of my favorite historical eras.
But present it well, she did. The small town has some big-hearted people, like Sadie and Mama Faylene and Wade, and even little Barry. It also has some small-hearted people, who can’t see beyond the color of one’s skin, one’s gender, or their own ambition. Mulligan balances out the town’s population with enough of these that Maggie must constantly watch her back and her store.

In High Cotton 1

But this is a novel to be loved for so many things. Maggie’s story is one of most unique and compelling voices I’ve read in 2024!! I loved how Maggie keeps reaching out to help people, because they have needs apparent in front of her, even as her store is struggling. As Sadie would say, “Southern women may seem as delicate as flowers, but we’ve got iron in our veins.” The metal (mettle) of these ladies is truly glorious to behold, whether it is Maggie or Sadie challenging Cal;
the transformation of a surprising character; or Mama Faylene quietly standing up to the worst of the lot.

IN HIgh Cotton 2

Reminiscent of the movie, Steel Magnolias, you will want to have your tissues ready, but also keep an eye out for the wonderful humor, funny sayings and colloquialisms of the time. By the time you close the book, your heart may feel like you, too, are In High Cotton! Mine did.
Themes include finding true family, trusting God, and standing tall against evil, together. If only Ms. Mulligan’s map had shown how to get to River’s End.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author and publisher. This in no way affects my opinions, which are solely my own.


My Rating

5 Stars- Hits My Reading Sweet Spot


自由伔安卓版中文版I’ve been a voracious reader ever since my mother instilled within me her own love of reading at an early age. Together we would escape together into worlds otherwise unknown.

杨迪大呼被针对 《非正式会谈》第五季第二期现场“玩梗”不断 ...:2021-5-24 · 非正现场话题不断,嘉宾自称“中文梗”多接不住 既然第二期的主题是“玩梗”,自然也少不了一些“文字梗”的出现,会长大左现场对各国嘉宾 ...

While a large, floppy straw hat is my favorite, I’ve worn many different ones: hairdresser, legislative affairs director (that’s a fancy name for a lobbyist), business manager, creative arts director and writer. My lifetime experience provides a plethora of fodder for my Southern-fried fiction (try saying that three times fast).

I wrote and published my first script in 1996 and to date have over 4-dozen scripts in print, nine books, and numerous articles on various aspects of Christian drama and the craft of writing. In Jan of 2003, having quit my job with my husband’s encouragement, I began to write full time. I reside in Sugar Hill, Georgia with my artist husband and a rascally Rottweiler.

You can connect with Ane at




Tagged 5 stars, Ane Mulligan, 自由伔安卓版中文版, Faith, Great Depression, Grocery, 自由伔安卓版中文版, In High Cotton, 自由伔安卓版中文版, Prejudice, small town, Southern Women, Women's Fiction自由伔安卓版中文版
BLOG, Favorite, PB, Revell

外媒关注英国首所欧洲中英双语小学:半天学英文 半天学中文 ...:2021-11-12 · 出生于北京、在马来西亚和英国都有教书经历的卓老师,是韦德小学的中文教师。她说,英国小学没有统一教材,基础教育形式比较自由,偏重学生个性化发展,而韦德小学的中文教室,将采取中国基础教育模式,尽可能确保同一班级的所有学生学习进度相同。



Title: An Appalachian Summer

Author: Ann H Gabhart

Publisher: Revell

Released:  June 2024

自由伔安卓版中文版 Christian Historical Romance

In 1933, most people are focused on the Great Depression but all Piper Danson can think about is how to get out of being a debutante and marrying Braxton Crandall. In an act of defiance, Piper volunteers as a frontier nursing courier in the Appalachian Mountains where adventure awaits.

My Review

*Sigh* After reading An Appalachian Summer, I wonder how a reader could not consider signing up to be a horse courier for Mrs. Breckenridge’s Nurse-Midwife Service. Sure, the year is 1933, and the locale of most of this unputdownable book is the hills and mountains of Kentucky. The adventure that Ann H Gabhart effortlessly spins rolls from one escapade to the next.
Of course, we might not all be as courageous as Piper Danson, who trades her debutante life for the wild unknown. Who needs to decide between two suitors when there are bigger mountains to climb… literally? What with snakes, men who might shoot before asking questions if a stranger is found on their land, odd jobs the girls have never before dreamed of attempting…life is never dull in these beautiful hills.

This is a journey of faith, friendship, love, and the soul. Faith that the mountain people have and readily share, as one lady on the train does to Piper:
“I’m guessing things has always been easy for you. That can make it harder to recognize what the Lord does for you. You can think maybe you’ve done it all yourself and don’t need him none. But you walk down some rocky trails with troubles on every side , and you’ll be wanting the Lord right there with you.”
Gabhart doesn’t belabor points, but inserts faith as a given for the mountain people.
Friendships. So many different kinds in this story. Some lead to respect. Some lead to good new friends. Some lead to love. *Sigh* It is just so much fun to follow the paths Gabhart winds, almost as twisty as the mountain paths themselves, before allowing her characters to settle their hearts.
There’s magic in those hills. Especially the ones inhabited by Mrs. Breckenridge, Piper, Suze, Dr. Jack, Billy, and on and on. This is a TV show waiting to be picked up.
Be able to say you read the book first.

An Appalachian Summer 2

Notable Quotables:

《最高警戒之共和国之辉》绿色度测评报告_游戏频道_中国 ...:2021-9-3 · 绿色游戏测评报告:《最高警戒之共和国之辉》绿色度18+,2D战争策略类手机网络游戏。游戏不存在防沉迷系统;游戏存在几率性质的游戏设置 ...

“Sometimes a person had to forget the obstacles and jump into the moment.”

“I think we all have a calling. Sometimes we live up to it, and sometimes we don’t.”

“…every person should be allowed one idiotic dream in her lifetime.”

CES Asia2021十大创新科技产品推荐 - · 【环球网科技综合报道】2021亚洲消费电子展(CES Asia2021)6月13至15日在上海举行,展会持续三天,迎来了约4万观众、500余家厂商参展。此次CES Asia涵盖人工智能、创业项目、健康产品、可穿戴、汽车科技、音频、智能家居、移动(通信)产品、影音/电视 ...

《我的世界》中国版今日全平台公测 - · 《我的世界》作为全球销量过亿的沙盒游戏,深受国内外玩家的喜爱。伴随着所有玩家的期待,网易伕理的《我的世界》中国 ...


My Rating

5 Stars – Superior – Hits My Reading Sweet Spot!


About the Author

311723Ann H. Gabhart grew up on a farm in Kentucky. By the time she was ten she knew she wanted to be a writer. She’s published over twenty novels. She and her husband have three children and nine grandchildren. She still lives on a farm not far from where she grew up. She loves playing with her grandkids, walking with her dog, reading and, of course, writing. Her Shaker books, set in her fictional Shaker village of Harmony Hill in the 1800’s, are popular with readers. The Outsider was a Christian Fiction Book Award Finalist in 2009. Her Heart of Hollyhill books are Small Town, America books set in the 1960’s. Angel Sister, a Rosey Corner book set during the Great Depression, will be followed by Small Town Girl. Visit Ann’s website or her two blogs, One Writer’s Journal,, and the Hollyhill Book of the Strange, 礼赞新时伕的筑梦人-中工评论-中工网:2021-9-10 · 坚持教书与育人相统一、言传与身教相统一、潜心问道与关注社会相统一、学术自由 与学术规范相统一,争做“四有”好老师,全心全意做学生锤炼品格、学习知识、创新思维、奉献祖国的引路人,在润物无声中挥洒对学生的爱 ...Giveaways several times a year.

Tagged 5 stars, An Appalachian Summer, Ann H Gabhart, Appalachian Mountains, Christian Historical Romance, 自由伔安卓版中文版, Kentucky, Mrs. Breckenridge's Nurse-Midwife Service, Nurse-midwivesLeave a comment
BLOG, Celebrate Lit Tour

The Ring Does Not Fit by Sunshine Rodgers with Giveaway



自由伔安卓版中文版The Ring Does Not Fit

自由伔安卓版中文版Sunshine Rodgers

Genre: Romance, Fiction, Christian, Fantasy

Release Date: November 19, 2024

Alena is stuck in a mundane marriage and longing for something 48988483._SX318_
different. New clothes. Bigger bling. Flashy cars. Miraculously and
inexplicably, it all happens in a flash and she is finally married to
the man of her dreams, but something still seems to be missing. In all
her excitement, the one thing she’s looking for is the one thing she
can’t seem to keep.


Click here to get your copy!



My Review

The Ring Does Not Fit by Sunshine Rodgers has a very definite purpose beyond
《水浒传》在德国:近两百年的遇见与等待_央广网 - · 中国四大古典名著中,最早被译介给德国读者的要数《水浒传》。东方学家威廉·硕特(Wilhelm Schott)分别编译了该书的第一回与武松相关的情节,译文先后刊载于《外国文献杂志》(Magazin für die Literatur des Auslandes)1834年第一百三十三期和一百五十三期上,分别题为《洪信历险记》和《为兄报仇的 ...
young wife tires of her seven year marriage. Alena, the wife, is a professional author,
keeps house, cooks, does errands, and all the work around the house while her husband,
《水浒传》在德国:近两百年的遇见与等待_央广网 - · 中国四大古典名著中,最早被译介给德国读者的要数《水浒传》。东方学家威廉·硕特(Wilhelm Schott)分别编译了该书的第一回与武松相关的情节,译文先后刊载于《外国文献杂志》(Magazin für die Literatur des Auslandes)1834年第一百三十三期和一百五十三期上,分别题为《洪信历险记》和《为兄报仇的 ...
household chores. Lee goes to work and spends the rest of his time on the couch. He is
big into church and Bible study. That really put me off Lee. It sounded like his wife
needed help and he was oblivious. Alena, in turn, is wrapped up in the busyness and
trappings of success.
The aim of the book, to make couples see they need Jesus Christ as the foundation of
their relationship, is good. The different scenarios Alena experienced were eye-opening.
法国春季最畅销小说依然是《臣服》-畅销书-读书频道 ...:2021-3-27 · 米歇尔·维勒贝克是法国当伕最有影响力的作家之一,一直关注自由主义和经济问题,书中对西方文明的衰落毫不隐讳。《臣服》和他众前出版的小说一样,一经推出就饱受争议,但依然在上市后一个月,雄踞欧洲三大国的销售榜首。
I certainly concur with the author that both parties in a marriage need Christ. I felt like
there were some real issues in the marriage that needed to be dealt with at beginning of
book. I am not so sure becoming “ridiculously happy” as the author asserts one should
become in Jesus would automatically take all those issues away. I see some big
incongruities with a man who is greatly into Bible study and church, but not
understanding and helping his wife with her needs.
那些母胎单身的年轻人还相信爱情-中青在线 - · “暧昧型单身”:爱情是只自由鸟,没人能把它捉牢 25岁的中文 系硕士生顾瑜与贾媛的情况恰恰相反。顾瑜大方开朗,交际圈广,积极参加社团活动,时不时地呼朋引伴去打桌游。她从高中开始就读经典的爱情著作,《红楼梦》《情人》《霍乱 ...
I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author and publisher through
Celebrate Lit. This in no way affects my opinions, which are solely my own.


3 Stars – Middling; Neither impressive nor unimpressive




Sunshine Rodgers is an International Best-Selling author, speaker and author-photoJPG-226x300
motivator who excels in sharing the hope and light of the gospel in
her books. Her characters experience the love and grace of Jesus
Christ and the beauty of Heaven. Sunshine hopes her pages will get you
passionate about your faith. Her books have been made into audio books
and translated in different languages. Her social media sites and
personal blog reach thousands of readers a week. Sunshine has appeared
in magazines, newspapers and live media interviews and is working on
her merchandise line (available on her website!). Sunshine now enjoys
her days traveling for signings, author events, speaking engagements
and book tours.


More from Sunshine

“Why are we never satisfied?  I mean, we can have
houses, cars and money and still want more! If I were to break it
down, I would have to say…insecurity.  Maybe we feel like we’re not good
enough. I don’t know about you, but I compare myself with others
all the time just by looking at social media and feeling like I don’t
measure up.
My book “The Ring Does Not Fit” concentrates on appreciating what is right in front of you,
celebrating those who are still with you and staying humble.
Because the grass is not always greener on the other side and there
is always more going on behind the scenes that we don’t know about.
体能大比武 一刻也不能停 - hebtv:2021-7-16 · 新华社北京7月15日电(记者肖亚卓、杨帆、卢星吉)烈日炎炎的夏日,在位于秦皇岛的国家体育总局训练基地,传来一阵阵此起彼伙的加油呐喊声。近日,十多支冬季项目的国字号队众集结在此,开展了一场热闹非凡的体能
The only way to really get over any personal frustration
and constant comparison  is to have
an attitude of thanksgiving and praise where you are thankful
for what you have, no matter how little or big it is.
That’s the first step to loving life.”
– Sunshine Rodgers



Quiet quilter, July 8

Babbling Becky L’s Book Impressions, July 9

Through the Fire Blogs, July 10 (Author Interview)

deb’s Book Review, July 10

 Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, July 11

Texas Book-aholic, July 12

Blossoms and Blessings, July 13 (Author Interview)

自由伔安卓版中文版, July 14

Inklings and notions, July 15

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, July 16

自由伔安卓版中文版, July 17 (Author Interview)

自由伔安卓版中文版, July 17

Quiet Workings, July 18

Book Bites, Bee Stings, & Butterfly Kisses, July 19

Just Your Average reviews, July 20

Artistic Nobody, July 21 (Guest Review from Donna Cline)



To celebrate her tour, Sunshine is giving away the grand prize of a $40 Visa card!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.





Tagged 3 Stars, Christian Fantasy, Christian Romance, Marital Issues, Marriage, Sunshine Rodgers, The Ring Does Not Fit6 Comments
Barbour, BLOG, NetGalley

章莹颖的遭遇,真的与“暗网”有关?_新闻频道_中国青年网:2021-7-24 · 这里就是人性的释放空间,如果你到了那里,看到了那一切的光怪陆离,然后要做的不是沉浸在其中无法自拔,而是摇摇头,回到真实的世界中 ...


About the Book

自由伔安卓版中文版The Green Dress

Author: Liz Tolsma

Genre: Christian Historical Suspense自由伔安卓版中文版

Release Date: June 2024


特别的书给特别的你-千龙网·中国首都网:2021-1-13 · 德国政论家、历史作家哈夫纳的回忆录《一个德国人的故事》,回顾了自己在两次世界大战之间度过的青年时伕,挖掘法西斯主义在德国滋生的原因。喜欢电影的文艺青年今年还将看到大量有关电影和文艺片导演的书籍,比如《朴赞郁的蒙太奇》(磨铁即将出版)。

音乐剧《乱世佳人》筹划升级版 剧迷视频会支招-中工娱乐 ...:2021-4-7 · 中工娱乐,中工网旗下专业娱乐新闻资讯频道,国内主流娱乐媒体,立足全球娱乐视角,品读娱乐圈风云激荡,近期最热门的 ...

When Harriet Peters came to Boston in 1882, the Robinson family took her in like one of their own, and Harriet became closer to Lizzie Robinson than her own siblings. Now, four years later, Lizzie is deathly sick, failing quickly just like several others in her family have done over the past few years. How can so many in one family die from the same mysterious illness? Harriet doesn’t have answers, but she is determined to help the family, bringing in a new-to-the-neighborhood doctor, Michael Wheaton.
As Harriet and Michael close in on the answer, putting their own lives at risk, can the cause be found before anyone else dies?



Click here to get your copy!


My Review

Aha! This was a crime I could solve, I thought. Each book in this True Colors series is an
齐鲁晚报:2021-7-24 · 《齐鲁晚报》(电子版)的一切内容(包括但不限于文字、图片、PDF、图表、标志、标识、商标、版面设计、专栏目录与名称、内容分类标准众及为读者提供的任何信息)仅供齐鲁晚报的报、网、端、微等载体读者阅读、学习研究使用,未经本单位书面授权,任何单位及个人不得将《齐鲁晚报》(电子 ...
the bare, macabre facts in a dusty tome. So, I was game. Liz Tolsma is creator of this fact-
turned-fiction tale aptly named The Green Dress.
Ready, Set, Go. The cast of characters was listed at the front. The year is 1886, and we first
meet Harriet Peters as she hurries to the sickbed of her best friend, Lizzie Robinson.
Much consternation abounds, as Lizzie’s symptoms exactly match those of other family
members who suddenly fell ill and died. Doctors are mystified by the repeated identical
deaths occurring solely in the Robinson household until a fresh-faced doctor is called in.
This was certainly another incredible crime. It wasn’t caught, largely because people
refused to even consider all possibilities, though those evidences were staring them in
“Outward appearances don’t always reflect a person’s character.”
The Green Dress 1
If only… Harriet had taken Lizzie’s words to heart, “No debt in friendship.” You can be
sure I heard those words and may or may not have screeched them aloud…more than
Liz Tolsma does a great job with the story’s pacing. From the first sentence to the last, I
was captivated. I really did figure out some of the crime, but the whole timbre of the
汉秀四周年庆典大咖云集科技秀惊艳四座-千龙网·中国首都网:2021-12-25 · 》中文版将于2021年登陆汉秀剧场,为湖北观众带来国际化的试听享受。 荣誉之夜,SOCIAL终极礼 此次四周年庆典活动由汉秀联合武汉SOCIAL共同打造,“颁奖”这个关键词也为此次活动增添了更多庄重和时尚内涵。
I enjoyed the romance development between Harriet and Michael Wheaton. I especially
liked seeing Michael grow in confidence and follow up on his hunches. Speaking of
hunches, Harriet ignores some of hers in the novel. I disagree with the author’s view
about where those hunches came from. As a Christian, God could certainly make sure
Harriet heard an audible voice.
Because death was a common occurrence in this story, the question of assurance of
salvation is addressed.
The Green Dress 2
用文字构筑人性乌托邦:2021-3-31 · 叙事之一。孙洁系复旦大学中文系副研究员,中学时伕便热爱老舍,2021年起任中国老舍研 究会副会长,此书由其博士论文延伸而成,资料 扎实,完整呈现了老舍思想在山东时期、抗战时 期到新中国时期的发展历程。《中国人与美国人:一部共有的历史》 作者
research and care with this superior project.
The whole scenario sounds like something out of our time, not the 1880’s. Alas, for me,
Tolsma has the final word or twist. Good for her. The clues were all laid, I just didn’t put
those pieces together. Well done, Ms. Tolsma. This could have been a great Twilight Zone
I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author and publisher through
Celebrate Lit via NetGalley. This in no way affects my opinions, which are solely my own.

My Rating

5 Stars – Superior – Hit My Spooky Sweet Spot


About the Author


Liz Tolsma is a popular speaker and an editor and the owner of the Write Direction Editing. An almost-native  Wisconsinite, she resides in a quiet corner of the state with 自由伔安卓版中文版her husband and is the mother of three. Her son proudly serves as a U.S. Marine. They adopted all of their children internationally, and one has special needs. When she gets a few spare minutes, she enjoys reading, relaxing on the front porch, walking, working in her large perennial garden, and camping with her family.



More from Liz

We’ve all been there—started a letter or an email or even a list, didn’t like what we had, crossed it out or hit the delete button, and tried again. Now imagine that happening when you’re writing a novel.


That’s what occurred with The Green Dress. Finding the perfect place to start a novel can be tricky, but when you’re trying to balance fact with fiction, it’s even harder. I needed the fictional heroine, Harriet Peters, to have a good reason to come into contact with and become close to the factual Robinson family. And I needed for the hero, Michael Wheaton, to meet Harriet early on. So I dove into the story. Five chapters later, the hero and heroine hadn’t yet met. The book wasn’t working.


I scrapped those chapters and started at a different point. At first, it seemed to be going better. I was happy. Until I got to the fifth chapter, when I realized again that the book wasn’t working. Frankly, it was boring. So those ended up in the virtual trash bin. Meanwhile, the clock was ticking on my deadline. I was desperate to find the right starting point, at a place with high tension. Finally, I had an “aha” moment, and the story flowed from there. That’s how the first five chapters (and the rest of The Green Dress) came to be.


—Liz Tolsma

Blog Stops

The Power of Words, June 26

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, June 26

deb’s Book Review, June 26

Book Bites, Bee Stings, & Butterfly Kisses, June 26

A Reader’s Brain, June 27

Rebecca Tews, June 27

For Him and My Family, June 27

Texas Book-aholic, June 28

Back Porch Reads, June 28

Inklings and notions, June 28

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, June 28

Abba’s Prayer Warrior Princess, June 29

Genesis 5020, June 29

Emily Yager, June 29

自由伔安卓版中文版, June 30

Robin’s Nest, June 30

音乐剧《乱世佳人》筹划升级版 剧迷视频会支招-中工娱乐 ...:2021-4-7 · 中工娱乐,中工网旗下专业娱乐新闻资讯频道,国内主流娱乐媒体,立足全球娱乐视角,品读娱乐圈风云激荡,近期最热门的 ..., June 30

Tell Tale Book Reviews, June 30

Blogging With Carol, July 1

Bigreadersite, July 1

Read Review Rejoice, July 1

[杂谈] 另类回忆历伕H游戏评述--东北游戏网:2021-12-16 · 鬼畜王兰斯》地图 平定叛乱之后主攻方向立刻转向东南。各自为战的自由商业都市拥有巨大的经济收入,却只有一些根本不能打仗的志愿兵保卫(战斗力几乎是游戏中倒数第一),一周一个打下来问题 …, July 2

Life of Literature, July 2

Connie’s History Classroom, July 2

自由伔安卓版中文版, July 3

Southern Gal Loves to Read, July 3

Little Homeschool on the Prairie, July 3

Stories By Gina, July 3

For the Love of Literature, July 4

Remembrancy, July 4

Reviewingbooksplusmore, July 4

自由伔安卓版中文版, July 5

Splashes of Joy, July 5

Vicky Sluiter, July 5

Older & Smarter?, July 6

Through the Fire Blogs, July 6

Daysong Reflections, July 6

amandainpa, July 6

Locks, Hooks and Books, July 7

自由伔安卓版中文版, July 7

Just the Write Escape, July 7

Hallie Reads, July 8

自由伔安卓版中文版, July 8

自由伔安卓版中文版, July 8

Spoken from the Heart, July 9

With a Joyful Noise, July 9

Artistic Nobody, July 9 (Guest Review from Donna Cline)


To celebrate her tour, Liz is giving away the grand prize of a $25 Amazon gift card!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Tagged #6 True Colors, 5 stars, Christian Historical Suspense, 自由伔安卓版中文版, Liz Tolsma, Romance, Sarah Jane Robinson's family, The Green Dress, True Crimes Fictionalized6 Comments
自由伔安卓版中文版, PB, Revell



About the Book

自由伔安卓版中文版 A Reckless Love

Series: #3 The Daughtry House

Author: Beth White

Publisher: Revell

Released: June 2024

Genre: Christian Historical Romance

On the trail of an elusive enemy, cynical, war-damaged lawman Zane Sager crosses paths once more with Aurora Daughtry, the vivacious Mississippi belle he once admired from a distance. As his defenses start to crumble, the criminal he’s been pursuing reminds him that that no one he loves is safe. Ever.


My Review

“Zane’s first thought when he came to was that the world was coming to an end.” With an explosive start like that, Beth White quickly lights a fire under the reader to delve into her last story of the Daughtry House series, A Reckless Love.
I was a little confused at first, because this sister’s chronicle backtracks a little from where the last book ended. But White has her reasons. By the way, this is one series that needs to be read in order.
The year is 1870, and slavery has been abolished. Many on both sides of the Mason-Dixon line struggle with racial equality. When Judge Teague, a beloved mentor of Deputy Marshall Sager, is attacked for ruling over a race-related trial, Sager vows to visit justice upon the guilty. Sager gets to know the Daughtry sisters as he works with Riggins, Selah’s husband, who is also a Pinkerton. Both men are working at ending organized racial intimidation and suppression in the South.

A Reckless Love 1
I find Aurora amazing in that she has a good business head at nineteen, but she is also high-handed, determined to orchestrate events as she sees fit. Every one else had better get in line behind her. She is a tough cookie but loves anyone with a good heart. She is brave and unconventional.
Sager is independent, also brave, and other than the judge, not one to be close to others. His appearance helps out his tenacious personality, but he is hiding a weakness. Plus, he failed at the protection gig once. He is afraid of failing again. If “there is no fear in love,” then there is no love in fear.
White, like Joelle, has a proclivity towards big words. I had to google quite a few definitions. I very much enjoyed getting to know all three of the Daughtry sisters in this series.

Notable Quotables:

”Find a man who serves Christ first. Then his love for you will fall rightly.”

学中文有前途保障 英国开欧洲首家中英双语小学-国际在线国 ...:2021-11-17 · 出生于北京、在马来西亚和英国都有教书经历的卓老师是韦德小学的一名中文老师。 她说,英国小学没有统一教材,基础教育形式比较自由,偏重学生个性化发展。而韦德小学的中文教学将采取中国基础教育模式,尽可能确保同一班级的所有学生学习进度相同。

“And when somebody gives you a hand out of the mud, you don’t spit on it just because it doesn’t land you exactly where you want to go.”

“…secrets were burdensome things.”

“…he packed more raw emotion into one eye than most people conveyed in two.”

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author and Revell Reads program. This in no way affects my opinions, which are solely my own.



 5 Stars- Superior – Hits My Reading Sweet Spot


About the Author

Beth White teaches music at an inner-city high school in historic Mobile, Alabama. Her 自由伔安卓版中文版hobbies include playing flute and pennywhistle and painting, but her real passion is writing historical romance with a Southern drawl.

A native Mississippian, she is a pastor’s wife, mother of two, and grandmother of two–so far.

Also published as Elizabeth White, her novels have won the American Christian Fiction Writers Carol Award, the RT Book Club Reviewers Choice Award, and the Inspirational Reader’s Choice Award.

You can get in touch with Beth on Twitter @bethsquill and her website can be found at





Tagged #3 The Daughtry House Series, 5 stars, A Reckless Love, 自由伔安卓版中文版, Beth White, Christian Historical Fiction, Christian Historical Romance, Reconstructionist South, Zane SagerLeave a comment